Daily rambles about quilting, gardening, reading, cooking and just plain old being.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Reading the Library

I had this crazy idea 20 years ago when I first worked at the library (and when the library was much smaller) that I could read every book in the fiction section. I know it is "do-able" and I've been thinking about it a lot, thus I've outlined some rules for the endeavor.

1. Read the library in alphabetical order, starting with authors with an A last name...
2. You don't have to finish it, if you try it (Sounds like your Mom and brussel sprouts, huh?)
3. You can skip authors whom you have read in the past, putting them in the "been there, done that" category
4. You can skip authors who you KNOW are crap (ie. Danielle Steel, Nicholas Sparks, etc.)

My first report:
Peter Abrahams: End of Story, mediocre mild suspense, remotely decent story ruined by lame and unneccesary sex scenes (and there were four typo-type mistakes in the text...Shame on them!)

Alice Adams: The Last Lovely City (stories) I read the first story even though I don't much care for short stories....suffice it to say the first story didn't make me want to read a second story. POO

Andy Adams: The Log of a Cowboy (published in 1903)....I like westerns and I tried this one, but the language was cumbersome and I just couldn't do it....maybe I wasn't in the mood.

Douglas Adams: I've already read most of his work....I know the answer is 42! Enough already....

Next up: Harold Adams, The Ice Pick Artist. Ever heard of Harold Adams?...the fly leaf lists five titles, this one was published in 1997. Guess I should "google" him. The wise old Internet gives him credit for 18 or so titles. I hope I don't like it too much, because the library only has this one title.

Check him out here:

1 comment:

CK said...

You read them all for me. I'm too busy wrangling 24 little music makers. =)