Daily rambles about quilting, gardening, reading, cooking and just plain old being.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wings Still Wet

This is just minutes after the breaking free of the cocoon. When I walked up the wings were still wet and the poor thing was curled around and dragging his soggy wings across the porch leaving a little wet trail behind. He climbed up on my husband's boot to dry...the wind is high and he will be dry and flying before I finish this post I bet. Such a gift to see.


Monica said...

What a cool thing to catch a glimpse of. The other day we found a nest with eggs in it perched on the top of a ladder we had stored outside. Hubby needed the ladder so we moved the nest to a nearby shelf. We figured the nest would be abandoned at that point but today I saw a female cardinal in the nest so we may have baby birds yet!

Jen BK said...

We would have bought a new ladder....lol! We had babies hatch on the porch a few weeks back and she is sitting on the nest again (round two?) and we had a turkey with a nest in the pasture....I went out there today and she (and the eggs) were gone...I hope they hatched and took off and didn't get eaten by the big snake JC saw out there.! Bleck.