Daily rambles about quilting, gardening, reading, cooking and just plain old being.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

2013: Slashing the Stash

Prior to the start of the new year, I thought I should show you my sewing room. It is finally arranged and lit in a manner that makes it possible for me to sew (even at night); however, as you can see the "stash" has gotten out of hand.

The whole shelf above the machine is mini-bolts of a yard or more. Above that (not pictured) as shoe-box sized bins of scraps already cut into various-sized squares.

This pile starts at the floor and rises all the way to the window....yep, just a pile.

Baskets, plastics, and bags filled to overflowing and sort of organized by color.

The neatest area: the dresser contain at least 16 unfinished projects, some vintage blocks I've picked up at antique stores and one drawer labeled Misc. that I'm afraid to open. The bin above all have some project started in them.

I've failed to show the area under the sewing table or the cutting table, but suffice it to say there are bins and bins and bins, many with the lids ajar due to over-stuffage. Ugh!

THE 2012 GOAL:
SLASH the Stash!

There, I've said it. If I can't do it alone I'm going to need an intervention.....there is such a thing as too much fabric, excess is never good. In this case it is a burden. It is time to finish projects, find them homes, sell them and otherwise clear the room of clutter and unfinished business. 

I'm going in....

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