Daily rambles about quilting, gardening, reading, cooking and just plain old being.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

After a hiatus....I'm back to the blogosphere

Well, firstly let me explain that I have taken a hiatus of just over a week because my computer inhabits the guest room and the guest room was occupied by in-laws and I just decided it might be nice if I wasn't ensconced upon the chair in "their" bedroom while they were here.

Secondly, the hiatus was very nice, but I missed my blogging. I'm not going to try to re-cap all that has happened since I last wrote, but will just start with today. After work at the Library of Misfit Toys, I was just itching to run....the day was super warm (over 80 degrees) and the sun had been shining brightly all day. I know I said in an earlier post that I woke up knowing I wasn't going to run anymore....but maybe that should have been "I wasn't going to train anymore". I came straight in, changed, and then kicked out 3 miles (probably slow) and by the time I was finished it was dark. We walked the dogs in the dark too and it was amazing....I felt decent considering I haven't run in something like two weeks. I think I just needed the time in my own head and I definitely needed to blow off the day's work drama. The library job is proving to be a little more "interesting" than I had thought it would be....

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